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Lecture by John Tolan “Tracking the Qur’an in European Culture”

Lecture by John Tolan “Tracking the Qur’an in European Culture”

Thursday, October 10, 2024, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm John Tolan, Professor of History at Nantes…

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Exhibition The European Qurʾān in Weltmuseum Wien

Exhibition The European Qurʾān in Weltmuseum Wien

The European Qurʾān 18 September 2024 to 24 August 2025 Weltmuseum Wien What role does the…

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EuQu Book Presentation “The Qur’an in Rome” Federico Stella and Roberto Tottoli

EuQu Book Presentation “The Qur’an in Rome” Federico Stella and Roberto Tottoli

THE QUR'AN IN ROME Edited by Federico Stella and Roberto Tottoli – Ed. De Gruyter Tuesday…

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New Research Article “The Enlightenment prophet: Muhammad in early modern Europe” by John Tolan

Abstract This article examines the place of Islam in the intellectual history of the European Enlightenment.…

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Call for Proposals for a Workshop “Cooperations across religious and ethnic boundaries in the study of the Qurʾan”

Framework: The ERC synergy project the European Qur’an (EuQu) Venue and time: University of Amsterdam, 6-7…

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Conference: “Recited Ink: Written Representations of the Oral Aspects of the Qur’ān”

Conference: “Recited Ink: Written Representations of the Oral Aspects of the Qur’ān”

Place: Naples, Università l’Orientale di Napoli Dates: 21 May 2024 The word Qur’ān primarily indicates recitation.…

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Specialisation course to Aljamiado-Morisco texts

Specialisation course to Aljamiado-Morisco texts

"Writings in Morisco script. Introduction to aljamiado-Morisco texts" (in Spanish). Organised by the Seminario de Estudios…

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Dissertation “The theological lexicon of Ludovico Marracci (1612-1700). Translator of the Qur’an into Latin”

We are very happy to announce that on 3 April 2024, Loriana Salierno defended her PhD…

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New articles from researchers from EuQu in “Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History”

Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History Volume 21. South-western Europe (1800-1914) Series: The History of Christian-Muslim Relations, Volume:…

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New Publication “European Muslims and the Qur’an”

European Muslims and the Qur’an Practices of Translation, Interpretation, and Commodification Edited by: Gulnaz Sibgatullina and…

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Publication New Article by Jan Loop

14 Hiob Ludolf, the Qurʾan, and the History of Writing In: Hiob Ludolf and Johann Michael…

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New Publication by Jan Loop “Travellers in Disguise – Europeans in Mecca and Medina (1500 – 1930)”

The Hajj and the Arts of Pilgrimage Essays in Honour of Nasser David Khalili Edited by…

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New Publication EuQu in Journal of Qur’anic Studies

Journal of Qur'anic Studies Researchers from the project EuQu, Dr Sara Fani (L'Orientale di Napoli) Dr…

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New Publication – Paul Shore “A Baroque Jesuit’s Encounter with the Qur’an.”

New Publication – Paul Shore “A Baroque Jesuit’s Encounter with the Qur’an.”

Paul Shore A Baroque Jesuit’s Encounter with the Qur’an. An Examination of Ignazio Lomellini’s, S. J.,…

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International Congress “Christian Readings of Muslim Exegetical Sources in Interreligious Perspective”

15-16 November 2023, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Sala de Graus de la Facultat de Lletres Organized…

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Philology and Religious Encounter in Medieval and Early Modern Times

Philology and Religious Encounter in Medieval and Early Modern Times

International Conference University of Copenhagen Faculty of Theology 9 – 11 October 2023 At this conference…

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Programme ERC : un événement autour des talents des Pays de la Loire

Programme ERC : un événement autour des talents des Pays de la Loire

Le 10 mai 2023 Campus Centre Loire Bâtiment BIAS 2, amphithéâtre C 10, rue Bias -…

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Conference “What is the European Qur’ān? Definitions, descriptions, representations (12th-19th c.)”

Conference “What is the European Qur’ān? Definitions, descriptions, representations (12th-19th c.)”

Nantes, 11-12 May 2023 Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Ange Guépin The Nantes Université researchers of…

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EuQu International Workshop ” Cataloguing Multilingual Manuscripts by the Examples of European Qurans and Tafsirs”

EuQu International Workshop ” Cataloguing Multilingual Manuscripts by the Examples of European Qurans and Tafsirs”

26-27 April 2023 Naples – Italy Katarzyna K. Starczewska, Post-Doc Researcher at the EuQu Project (ERC…

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Séminaire du CRHIA #1 : “Les crises religieuses”

Séminaire du CRHIA #1 : “Les crises religieuses”

Le 20 octobre 2022 de 10:00 à 16:45 Campus Tertre Amphi 4 Bâtiment Censive Nantes Université…

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Colloque « Usages du passé et imaginaire politique dans la littérature bourguignonne »

Colloque « Usages du passé et imaginaire politique dans la littérature bourguignonne »

Du 19 au 21 octobre 2022 Centre Universitaire du musé Boulogne-sur-mer Organisé par l’Université littorale Côte…

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Call for papers: What is the European Qur’ān?

ERC EuQu, Nantes, 11-12 May 2023 (deadline for the submission of proposals: 24 October 2022) The…

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The University of Chicago to award Professor Mercedes Garcia Arenal

Honorary degree in recognition of her significant contribution to her field of study.   On the…

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Summer School “The Qur’an in inter-Christian polemic” June 2022

14-17 June 2022 Nantes, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Ange Guépin 5 allée Jacques Berque, 44021…

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Conference “The Propaganda Fide and Filippo Guadagnoli’s Arabic Refutations of the Quran, 1637 and 1649”

By Nabil Matar, Professor of English, University of Minnesota Tuesday 14th of June 2022 6pm-8pm IEA…

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Publication “Nouvelle histoire de l’islam” de John Tolan

Le dernier livre de John Tolan vient de paraitre (5 mai 2022) : Nouvelle histoire de…

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Programme 2021-2022 (second semestre) du séminaire Prométhéd – Problèmes et méthodes de l’édition des textes médiévaux

Programme 2021-2022 (second semestre) du séminaire Prométhéd – Problèmes et méthodes de l’édition des textes médiévaux

Pour ce second semestre, la première séance du séminaire Prométhéd sera assurée par Irene Reginato, post-doctorante…

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International Workshop – The Holy Book of the Ishmaelites in the World of Eastern Christianity

International Workshop – The Holy Book of the Ishmaelites in the World of Eastern Christianity

May 11-12, 2022   |   University of Copenhagen The Holy Book of the Ishmaelites was the name…

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Summer School “The Qur’an in inter-Christian polemic” June 2022

Summer School “The Qur’an in inter-Christian polemic” June 2022

14-17 June 2022 Nantes, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Ange Guépin 5 allée Jacques Berque, 44021…

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Interview with Mercedes García-Arenal – PI of ‘The European Qur’an’

Video about our ERC project 5 minutes to understand our ERC Synergy Grant project "The European…

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Webinar “The European Qur’ān: The Qur’ān in European Religious and Cultural History”

Webinar “The European Qur’ān: The Qur’ān in European Religious and Cultural History”

February 10, 2021 on Zoom Near Eastern Studies Lecture, The European Qur’ān: The Qur’ān in European…

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Video conference by John Tolan

Video conference by John Tolan

La conférence "Le Coran de Napoléon" (jeudi 7 janvier 2021) du Professeur John Tolan est en…

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ACMES panel on Sharia, Justice and Legal Order

ACMES panel on Sharia, Justice and Legal Order

In celebration of the publication of: Sharia, Justice and Legal Order Egyptian and Islamic Law: Selected…

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Interview with John Tolan about his book ‘Faces of Muhammad’

Interview with John Tolan about his book ‘Faces of Muhammad’

 Listen to the podcast of the New Books Network - Nov 6, 2020 Faces of…

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Table ronde « Quelques réflexions autour du Coran des historiens »

Table ronde « Quelques réflexions autour du Coran des historiens »

Mardi 9 février 2021 à 18h Lieu Unique à Nantes - France /// Table ronde proposée…

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Webinar 2: Recognizing Religion(s): The Cultural Dynamics of Religious Encounters and Interactions in Historical Perspective

Webinar 2: Recognizing Religion(s): The Cultural Dynamics of Religious Encounters and Interactions in Historical Perspective

Webinar on "Forms of Religious Recognition in Early Modern Iberia and the Ottoman Empire" Timings: Abu Dhabi…

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Current Issues with John Tolan

Current Issues with John Tolan

John Tolan (Université de Nantes, France) gave a lecture on the 2nd of November 2020 on…

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Tribune de John Tolan dans Le Monde « Voltaire, premier islamo-gauchiste de l’histoire ? »

Tribune de John Tolan dans Le Monde « Voltaire, premier islamo-gauchiste de l’histoire ? »

[caption id="attachment_2284" align="aligncenter" width="300"] FABRICE COFFRINI / AFP[/caption] Tribune publiée dans Le Monde le 10 octobre…

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John Tolan becomes associate fellow of the IAS-Nantes

John Tolan becomes associate fellow of the IAS-Nantes

The Nantes Institute for Advanced Study has the honour to announce the nomination of a new…

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Lecture with John Tolan. Rethinking the Dhimma System: Comparative Perspectives in Legal History

Lecture with John Tolan. Rethinking the Dhimma System: Comparative Perspectives in Legal History

Mellon Minorities in the Middle East series Friday, October 9, 2020 10:00 AM (Pacific Time) Live…

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Roberto Tottoli new rector of the University of Naples L’Orientale

Roberto Tottoli new rector of the University of Naples L’Orientale


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Recognizing Religion(s): The Cultural Dynamics of Religious Encounters and Interactions in Historical Perspective

Recognizing Religion(s): The Cultural Dynamics of Religious Encounters and Interactions in Historical Perspective

Fall 2020 Webinars: These are the first of a series of online seminars that will explore…

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Podcast Euradionantes avec John Tolan “La place de l’islam en Europe au Moyen Age”

Podcast Euradionantes avec John Tolan “La place de l’islam en Europe au Moyen Age”

Pour écouter le podcast : Le Coran Européen : l’étude du Texte Sacré de l’Islam…

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L’Alcoran. Comment l’Europe a découvert le Coran

L’Alcoran. Comment l’Europe a découvert le Coran

L’historien Olivier Hanne est venu sur France culture présenter l'histoire de la réception du Coran en…

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Le Coran des Historiens

Le Coran des Historiens

Coran : le regard des historiens Comment l'interprétation des textes coraniques a-t-elle changé au cours du…

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Postdoctoral positions with all EuQu partner universities – closing date: 4 March 20

Postdoctoral positions with all EuQu partner universities – closing date: 4 March 20

General call for applications University of Kent (UK) advertisement

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Doctoral Scholarships with all EuQu partner Universities – closing date: 1 March 20

Fully funded scholarships -  general call for applications Fully funded scholarships at the University of Kent…

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Nouvelle publication de Florence Ninitte – Revue Romania

Romania. Tome 142, 2024. Fascicules 565-566 Sous la direction scientifique de Sylvie LEFÈVRE, Jean-René VALETTE Romania…

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Chercheurs à la BU Nantes Université

Marie Bossaert, Alain Messaoudi, Margo Stemmelin et John Tolan présentent : Le 03 octobre 2024 de…

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EuQu New Publication Jan Loop, Paul Babinski and Asaph Ben-Tov

Volume 9 (2024): Issue 3 (Sep 2024): Special Issue: The Turkish Wars and the Study of…

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