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Key readings

Bobzin Hartmut. Der Koran im Zeitalter der Reformation. Studien zur Frühgeschichte der Arabistik und Islamkunde in Europa (Beirut-Stuttgart, 1995).

Burman,Thomas E. Reading the Qur’an in Latin Christendom, 1140-1560 (Philadelphia, 2007).

Elmarsafy, Ziad. The Enlightenment Qur’an. The Politics of Translation and the Construction of Islam(Oxford, 2009).

Loop, Jan. “Introduction: The Qur’an in Europe- the European Qur’an”,  Journal of Qur’anic Studies 20, n.3 (2018): 1-20

Tommasino, Pier Mattia. The Venetian Qur’an. A Renaissance Companion to Islam (Pennsylvania, 2019).

Select bibliography

Balagna, Josée. L’imprimerie arabe en Occident (xvie, xviie, xviiie siècles) (Paris, 1984).
–– Inventaire des livres imprimées Arabes 1514-1959 (Paris, 1986).

Bevilacqua, Alexander. “The Qur’an Translation of Marracci and Sale”, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 76 (2013): 93-130.
–– The Republic of Arabic Letters. Islam and the European Enlightenment (Harvard 2018).
–– a. Jan Loop. “The Qur’an in Comparison and the Birth of ‘scriptures’”, Journal of Qur’anic Studies 20, 3 (2018): 148-173.

Bobzin, Hartmut. “Von Venedig nach Kairo: Zur Geschichte arabischer Korandrucke (16. bis frühes 20. Jahrhundert). From Venice to Cairo. On the History of Arabic Editions of the Koran (16 th – early 20th Century)”. In Sprachen des Nahen Ostens und die Druckrevolution. Eine interkulturelle Begegnung. Ed. Eva Hanebutt-Benz e.a. (dd.), pp. 151-175 (Westhofen, 2002).
–– Der Koran im Zeitalter der Reformation. Studien zur Frühgeschichte der Arabistik und Islamkunde in Europa (Beirut-Stuttgart, 1995).

Burman, Thomas E. “Tafsir and Translation. Tradition Arabic Qur’an exegesis and the Latin Qur’ans of Robert of Ketton and Mark of Toledo”, Speculum 73 (1998): 703-732.
–– Reading the Qur’an in Latin Christendom, 1140-1560 (Philadelphia, 2007).

Burnett, Charles and Jan Loop. Theodor Bibliander. Apologia pro editione Alkorani. Edition, translation, commentary (Wiesbaden, forthcoming 2019).

Cecini, Ulisse. Alcoranus latinus. Eine sprachliche und kulturwissenschaftliche Analyse der Koranübersetzungen von Robert von Ketton und Marcus von Toledo (Berlin-Münster, 2012).

Champion, Justin. The Pillars of Priestcraft Shaken: The Church of England and its Enemies, 1660–1730 (Cambridge, 1992).

Czerwiñski, Grzegorz & Artur Konopacki (eds.). Aesthetic Aspects of the Literature of Polish, Belarusian and Lithuanian Tatars (from the 16th to the 21st Century) (Białystok, 2015).

Duverdier, Gerald. “Les débuts de la typographie orientale: les caractères de Savary de Brèves et la présence française au Levant au 17e siècle”. In L’art du livre à l’Imprimerie Nationale. Pp. 68–87 (Paris, 1973).
–– “Les impressions orientales en Europe et le Liban”. In Le Livre et le Liban jusqu’à 1900. Ed. Camille Aboussouan, pp. 157-279 (Paris, 1982).

Elmarsafy, Ziad. The Enlightenment Qur’an. The Politics of Translation and the Construction of Islam (Oxford, 2009).

Feingold, Mordechai. “ ‘The Turkish Alcoran’: New Light on the 1649 English Translation of the Koran”, Huntington Library Quaterly 75 (2013): 475-501.

García-Arenal, Mercedes and Katarzyna Starczewska. “‘The Law of Abraham the Catholic’: Juan Gabriel as Qur’an translator for Martín de Figuerola and Egidio da Viterbo”. Al-Qantara: Revista de studio árabes 35, n.2 (2014): 409-459.

Ghobrial, John-Paul. “The Archive of Orientalism and its Keepers: Re-Imagining the Histories of Arabic Manuscripts in Early Modern Europe”. Past and Present 230, n.1 (2016): 90–111.

Glei, Reinhold (ed.). Frühe Koranübersetzungen. Europäische und Aussereuropäische Fallstudien (Trier, 2012).
–– and Roberto Tottoli. Ludovico Marracci at Work. The Evolution of his Latin Translation of the Qur’an in the Light of his Newly Discovered Manuscripts (Wiesbaden, 2016).

Gruber, Christiane and Avinoam Shalem (eds.). The Image of the Prophet between Ideal and Ideology. A Scholarly Investigation (Berlin, 2017).

Hamilton, Alastair. “A Lutheran Translator for the Quran. A Late Seventeenth-Century Quest”. In The Republic of Letters and the Levant. Ed. A. Hamilton e.a., pp. 197-221 (Leiden, 2005).
––“The Qur’an as Chrestomathy in Early Modern Europe”. In The Learning and Teaching of Arabic in Early Modern Europe. Ed. Loop, Hamilton, Burnett, pp. 213-229 (Leiden, 2017).
–– “’The Rescue the Honour of the Germans’. Qur’an Translations be 18th- and Early 19th-century German Protestants”, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 77 (2014): 173-209.
–– and Francis Richard. André Du Ryer and Oriental Studies in Seventeenth-Century France (London -Oxford, 2004).

Heath, Michael J. “Islamic Themes in Religious Polemic”, Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, 50, n.2 (1988): 289-315.

Hershenzon, Daniel. ‘Traveling Libraries: the Arabic Manuscripts of Muley Zidan and the Escorial Library,’ Journal of Early Modern History, 18 (2014): 535-558.

Heschel, Susannah. “German-Jewish Scholarship on Islam as a Tool of De-Orientalization”, New German Critique 117 (Fall 2012): 91-117.

Irwin, Robert. “The Influence of the Koran on Western Literature”, paper given at the Warburg Conference Translating the Qur’an, 16 March 2012.

Jones, Robert. “Piracy, War, and the Acquisition of Arabic Manuscripts in Renaissance Europe”, Manuscripts of the Middle East 2 (1987): 96–110.
–– Learning Arabic in Renaissance Europe (1505–1624), Ph.D thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, 1988.

Kermani, Navid. Gott ist schön. Das ästhetische Erleben des Korans (München, 1999).

Konopacki, Artur (ed.). Research in Tatar studies. Interdisciplinary contexts (Białystok, 2015).
–– Życie religijne Tatarów na ziemiach Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w XVI-XIX wieku Warszawa (Warsaw, 2010).

Kulwicka-Kamiñska, Joanna & Czesław Łapicz (eds.). The Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in History, Language and Culture (Toruñ, 2013).

Loop, Jan. “Die Bedeutung arabischer Manuskripte in den konfessionellen Auseinandersetzungen des 17. Jahrhunderts: John Selden, Johann Heinrich Hottinger und Abraham Ecchellensis in Zeitsprünge”, Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit 16 (2012): 75-91.
––“ ‘Divine Poetry? Early Modern European Orientalists on the Beauty of the Koran”, Church History and Religious Culture 89, n.4 (2009): 455-488.
––Johann Heinrich Hottinger (1620-1667). Arabic and Islamic Studies in the 17th Century (Oxford, 2013).

López-Morillas, Consuelo. “The Genealogy of Spanish Qur’ an”, Journal of Islamic Studies 17, n.3 (2006): 255-294.
–– El Corán de Toledo. Edición y estudio del manuscrito 235 de la Biblioteca de Castilla-La Mancha (Gijón, 2011).

Malcolm, Noel. “The 1649 English translation of the Koran : its origins and significance”, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 75 (2012): 261-295.

Matar, Nabil. “Some Notes on George Fox and Islam”, Journal of the Friends’ Historical Society 55 (1989): 271-276.
–– Islam in Britain 1558–1685 (Cambridge, 1998).

Meggitt, J. Early Quakers and Islam: Slavery, Apocalyptic and Christian-Muslim Encounters in the Seventeenth Century (Uppsala, 2013).

Messaoudi, Alain. Les arabisants et la France coloniale savants, conseillers, médiateurs (1780-1930) (Lyon, 2015).

Mout, M. E. H. Nicolette. “Calvinoturcisme in de zeventiende eeuw: Comenius, Leidse oriëntalisten en de Turkse bijbel”, Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis 91 (1978): 576–607.
–– “Calvinoturcismus und Chiliasmus im17. Jahrhundert”, Pietismus und Neuzeit 14 (1988): 72–73.

Mulsow, Martin. “Socinianism, Islam and the Radical Uses of Arabic Scholarship”, Al-Qantara 31, n.2 (2010): 549-586.

Martínez de Castilla, Nuria. “Qur’ anic Manuscripts from Late Muslim Spain”, Journal of Qur’ anic Studies 16, n.2 (2014): 89-138.

Piemontese, Angelo Michele. “I codici arabi, persiani et turchi nel fondo Rossiano e don Leopoldo Sebastiani”, Bulletin dell’Istituto storio Italiano per il medio evo 110, n.2 (2008): 275-300.
–– “Il Corano in Italia umanistica”. In Bibbia e Corano. Edizioni e ricezioni. Ed. C. Baffioni, A. passini Dell’Acqua, R.B. Finazzi and E. Vergani, pp. 31-66. “Accademia Ambrosiana” (Rome, 2016).
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Rippin, Andrew. “Western Scholarship and the Qur’an”. In Cambridge Companion to the Qur’an. Ed. Jane D. McAuliffe, pp. 235-251 (Cambridge, 2006).

Roper, Geoffrey. “Early Arabic Printing in Europe”. In Sprachen des Nahen Ostens und die Druckrevolution. Eine interkulturelle Begegnung. Ed. Eva Hanebutt-Benz e.a., pp. 129-150 (Westhofen, 2002).

Saviello, Alberto. Imaginationen des Islam. Bildliche Darstellungen des Propheten Mohammed im westeuropäischen Buchdruck bis ins 19. Jahrhundert (Berlin, 2015).

Segesvary, Victor. L’Islam et la Réforme: études sur l’attitude des Réformateurs Zurichois envers l’Islam, 1510–1550 (San Francisco, 1998 [1984]).

Starczewska, Katarzyna. Latin Translation of the Qur’ān (1518/1621) commissioned by Egidio da Viterbo. Critical Edition and Introductory Study, forthcoming in Diskurse der Arabistik (Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 2017).

Tischler, Matthias M. “Die älteste lateinische Koranübersetzung als (inter-)religiöser Begenungsraum”. In Frühe Koranübersetzungen. Europäische und außereuropäische Fallstudien. Ed. Reinhold Glei, pp. 25-82 (Trier, 2012).

Tolan, John. The European Muhammad (Princeton, 2019).

Tommasino, Pier Mattia and Harm Den Boer. “Reading the Qur,an in the 17th-Century Sephardi Community of Amsterdam”, Al-Qantara 35, n.2 (2014): 461-491.
–– L’Alcorano di Macometto. Storia di un libro del Cinquecento europeo (Bologna, 2013).

Tottoli, Roberto. “The Latin Translation of the Qurʾān by Johann Zechendorff (1580-1662) Discovered in Cairo Dār al-Kutub”, Oriento Moderno 95, n.1-2 (2015): 5-31.
Vernet Ginés, JoanAlcorán. Traducción castellana de un morisco anónimo del año 1606 (Barcelona, 2001).
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Ulbricht, Manolis. “Coranus Graecus. Die älteste überlieferte Koranübersetzung in der «Ἀνατροπὴ τοῦ Κορανίου» des Niketas von Byzanz”. Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar (Disputatio 14/07/2015, FU Berlin).

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Vrolijk, Arnoud, Jan Schmidt and Karin Scheper. Turcksche Boucken – The Oriental Collection of Levinus Warner (Leiden, 2013).

Wiegers, Gerard. Islamic Literature in Spanish and Aljamiado. Yça of Segovia,(1450) his antecedents and successors (Leiden, 1994).

Research Projects
  • Corpus Coranicum, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
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