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Lecture “The Qur’an in Europe, a European Qur’an: A History of Reading, Translation, Polemical Confrontation & Scholarly Appreciation”

The Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies 1 and the Institute of Iranian Studies at the University of Göttingen extend a cordial invitation to attend the Distinguished Lecture in the scope of the Göttingen Orient Symposium:

“The Qur’an in Europe, a European Qur’an: A History of Reading, Translation, Polemical Confrontation & Scholarly Appreciation”

to be given by Professor Dr. Roberto Tottoli, Professor of Islamic Studies and Rector of the University of Naples L’Oriental.

When: Thursday, May 30, 2024, 17:15 to 19:00 Uhr

Where: Pauliner Church, Historical Building, Papendiek 14, 37073 Göttingen
