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EuQu New Publications

The ERC Synergy Grant EuQu is happy to announce the publication of 2 new books in French by Ferenc Tóth, associate PI of the project and Hungarian historian and romanist.

  • Diplomatie, guerre et culture en Europe centrale et orientale ottomane à l’époque moderne, recueil d’études, les éditions Isis Istanbul, 2021
  • Rodosto et les tombes des émigrés de Kálmán Thaly, édition scientifique avec introduction et notes établies sous la direction de Ferenc Tóth , Research Center for the Humanities.

Ferenc Tóth, Hungarian historian and romanist. He studied history and French language and literature in Hungary at the University of Szeged (1986-1991) and then at the University of Sorbonne in Paris (1992-1995) where he defended a doctoral thesis on the social integration of Hungarian immigration into France during the 18th Century. Currently, he works as a senior research fellow at the Institute of History of the Research Center for the Humanities (former Hungarian Academy of Sciences) in Budapest. In 2014 he defended a thesis at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in which he presented a biography of Baron Tott (1733-1793). He is the author of several scientific works:óth.