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Month: April 2021

  • New article released! By Juan Pablo Arias Torres

      Professor Juan Pablo Arias Torres, Universidad de Málaga and EuQu research collaborator, has just published a new article untitled “Traducir al Uno: de la palabra a la imagen”. Arias…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Lecture: Traducir el nombre del Dios Uno: una ojeada a la historia

    Lecture: Traducir el nombre del Dios Uno: una ojeada a la historia

    By Juan Pablo Arias Torres in Casa Árabe. Registration here! April 22, 2021 at 7pm. The lecture will be given in Spanish.  More:

  • Video “Islamic Judaism?” by John Tolan

    Video published on 02/04/2021 by the Emir Stein Center In the 19th century, some Jewish scholars in Central Europe looked to early Islam and in particular to the Prophet Muhammad…