Roberto Tottoli

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Roberto Tottoli new rector of the University of Naples L’Orientale

Roberto Tottoli

It’s a great pleasure for us to announce that Roberto Tottoli, professor of Islamic Studies, is the new rector of the University of Naples L’Orientale.
Roberto Tottoli was elected on the 24th of September 2020 in the first round with 155 votes (14 white and 4 zero) and will take office from 1 November 2020.


Professor Tottoli is also one the 4 PI (Principal Investigator) of the ERC Synergy Grant project “The European Qur’an” (EuQu). He is an eminent Arabist and scholar of Islamic history and an expert in Arabic Qur’anic manuscript traditions as well as in the history of European Latin and vernacular translations of the Qur’an. In more recent years Professor Tottoli’s interests focus on issues around textual criticism in relation Arabic texts, the literary genres of Islamic literature, and contemporary Islam. His publications include ‘Biblical Prophets in the Qur’an and Muslim literature’ and ‘The Stories of the Prophets of Ibn Mutarrif al-Tarafi’.
