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Yaser Gün

Yaser Gün
PhD Candidate

Yaser Gün obtained a BA degree in Sociology (Université de Nantes) and a Master’s Degree in Religious Studies (Université d’Artois, France). In his dissertation, he worked on the link between Islam and ecology, in a multidisciplinary approach. He also studied Islamic theology (e-learning). Within the EuQU project, his PhD-thesis will focus on The place of the Qur’ān in the 'Tableau Général de l’Empire Othman', written by historian, orientalist and diplomat Ignace Mouradgea d’Ohsson (1740-1807). d’Ohsson's Tableau Général deals with Ottoman’s religion (creed, religious laws and practices, mosques, tombs and so on), institutions and history.

Watch below on YouTube his presentation of his thesis

Yaser Gün video