Webinaire Prométhéd “Problèmes et méthodes de l’édition des textes médiévaux”
Le webinaire Prométhéd “Problèmes et méthodes de l’édition des textes médiévaux” est organisé par Grégory Clesse, chargé de recherche FNRS à l’Université catholique de Louvain, et Florence Ninitte, chercheuse post-doctorante […]
Lecture “Traducir el nombre del Dios Uno: una ojeada a la historia”
By Juan Pablo Arias Torres in Casa Árabe. Registration here! April 22, 2021, at 7 pm. The lecture will be given in Spanish
The Iberian Qur’an/El Corán en Iberia
May 5-6 2021, Madrid ILC-CCHS-CSIC The conference is organized by the EuQu project, Mercedes Garcia-Arenal (CSIC, Madrid) and Gerard Wiegers, (University of Amsterdam) and will be held in Madrid and […]
Webinaire Prométhéd “Problèmes et méthodes de l’édition des textes médiévaux”
Le webinaire Prométhéd “Problèmes et méthodes de l’édition des textes médiévaux” est organisé par Grégory Clesse, chargé de recherche FNRS à l’Université catholique de Louvain, et Florence Ninitte, chercheuse post-doctorante […]
Workshop: European Visions of the Qur’ān in the Middle Ages (9th-15th centuries)
20-21 May 2021 Nantes, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Ange Guépin 5 allée Jacques Berque, 44021 Nantes Cedex 1 Simone Veil Amphitheatre Event online with Zoom - ## REGISTER NOW […]
EuQu Lecture by Kasia on Mary in the Latin translations of the Qur’an
In the framework of a lecture series on Mary in the three Abrahamic religions between history and philology organized by Davide Scotto with the Collegio Borromeo, Katarzyna K. Starczewska, Post-doc […]
EuQu Copenhagen Seminar of Work in Progress
The next EuQu Seminar of Work in Progress will be held on Thursday, 3 June, at 16.00 (CET). Reading the Arabic Qur'an in Early Modern Europe By Dr Paul BABINSKI, […]
Seminar Work in Progress “The Holy Book of the Ishmaelites in the World of Greek Christianity (9th–18th Centuries)”
The next EuQu Seminar of Work in Progress will be held on Friday, 11 June, at 14.00-16.00 (CET). Registration: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/meeting/register/u50pdeGvrzIiHNCQAVBZr0bt-J8Lqqe7NwOw The Holy Book of the Ishmaelites in the World of […]
Workshop “The European Qur’an”
21 - 25 June, 2021 UIMP Summer Course University Mendendez Pelayo of Santander, Spain Program and registration The objective of this seminar is to analyze the role that the Qur’an […]
Webinaire Prométhéd “Problèmes et méthodes de l’édition des textes médiévaux”
Le webinaire Prométhéd “Problèmes et méthodes de l’édition des textes médiévaux” est organisé par Grégory Clesse, chargé de recherche FNRS à l’Université catholique de Louvain, et Florence Ninitte, chercheuse post-doctorante […]
Conference “The Morisco Diaspora and Morisco Networks across the Western and Eastern Mediterranean”
This conference aims to bring together scholars who work on the movements of Muslims from Spain to other parts of Europa and the MENA Region between the fall of Granada […]
Launching conference 2021/2022 season: conversation with John Tolan
Wednesday, October 6 at 6.30 p.m. Passage Sainte-Croix 9, rue de la Bâclerie, 44000 Nantes The 2021-2022 season of the Passage Sainte-Croix will focus on the Islamic Arts exhibition, in […]