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New Publication – Paul Shore “A Baroque Jesuit’s Encounter with the Qur’an.”
Paul Shore A Baroque Jesuit’s Encounter with the Qur’an. An Examination of Ignazio Lomellini’s, S. J., Animadversiones, Notae ac Disputationes in Pestilentem Alcoranum (Series Arabica-Latina, ed. Reinhold F. Glei, vol.…
A European Qur’an? The Muslim holy book in European culture – Presentation by John Tolan
John Tolan will present hos book “A European Qur’an? The Muslim holy book in European culture” at Columbia University Wednesday September 27, 2023 4:30-6:00pm 207 Knox Hall (606…
Ḥayy ibn Yaqdhān and the Disappearing Qur’ān – Manuscripts and Margins
The first blog post by Dr Claire Gallien delves into the translations of the manuscripts of Ḥayy ibn Yaqdhān and the Disappearing Qur’ān. This first article is part of a…
Le Coran vu d’ailleurs : la place paradoxale du livre sacré de l’Islam dans l’histoire culturelle de l’Europe
Dans le cadre de la 5e leçon de la Chaire Hichem Djaït Histoire et Cultures de l’Islam, John Tolan donnera une conférence intitulée “Le Coran vu d’ailleurs : la place…