Publication Page 11
Recent posts
New article released! By Dr Irene Reginato
One of our post-doc researcher Dr Irene Reginato has pubished a new article untitled : “Il Trésor des simples di Jean Germain : appunti per un’edizione critica”, in [Cultura neolatina…
New article on EuQu published by John Tolan
Professor John Tolan published on article on EuQu in Medieval Worlds “Movement and Mobility in the Medieval Mediterranean: Changing Perspectives from Late Antiquity to the Long-Twelfth Century, I & Ideologies…
New publication! «Masā’il ʿAbdallāh ibn Salām (Doctrina Mahumet)» By Dr Ulisse Cecini
Dr Ulisse Cecini, post-doc researcher within our ERC project “The European Qur’an” has released a new book called « Masā’il ʿAbdallāh ibn Salām (Doctrina Mahumet) » Masā’il ʿAbdallāh ibn Salām…
New article released! By Juan Pablo Arias Torres
Professor Juan Pablo Arias Torres, Universidad de Málaga and EuQu research collaborator, has just published a new article untitled “Traducir al Uno: de la palabra a la imagen”. Arias…