Amanda Rio de Pedro Page 6
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Author: Amanda Rio de Pedro
New Publication Juan de Segovia and the Qur’an
Juan de Segovia and the Qur’an Converting the Muslims in Fifteenth-Century Europe Davide Scotto Volume 9 in the series The European Qur’an Scotto, Davide. Juan de Segovia and the…
Roberto Tottoli ‘Beyond Orientalism: Islamic Studies In The West Today And Future Perspectives
Professor Roberto Tottoli has been invited at The University IBA of Karachi to talk about the ERC project ‘The European Qur’an’. The event is about holy texts translation and in…
New Publication from Davide Scotto, post-doc researcher from the ERC Project ‘The European Qur’an’
Riccoldo da Monte di Croce (†1320): Missionary to the Near East and Expert on Islam Kurt Villads Jensen (red.), Davide Scotto (red.) Konferenser, no. 112 Riccoldo da Monte di…
New publication: Behind the Story: Ethical Readings of Qurʾānic Narratives
ما وراء الحكاية: دراسات أخلاقية في القصة القرآنية Series: Studies in Islamic Ethics, Volume: 6 Volume Editor: Samer Rashwani Behind the Story: Ethical Readings of Qurʾānic Narratives is a…