Amanda Rio de Pedro Page 15
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Author: Amanda Rio de Pedro
Publication of “The Place of the Qurʾān and Islamic Theology in Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān and its Early English Receptions: A Study in Textual Citation and Excision” by Claire Gallien
Abstract This article on the place of the Qurʾān and Islamic theology in Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān constitutes a study in textual citation and excision articulated in two main parts. The…
Seminar on “”Qurʾānic calligraphy and illumination: the Andalusī ‘school’ between myth and reality”
Seminar given by professor Umberto Bongianino (University of Oxford), “Qurʾānic calligraphy and illumination: the Andalusī ‘school’ between myth and reality” and organized by Juan Pablo Arias Torres (escuela de estudios…
New articles from researchers from EuQu in “Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History”
Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History Volume 21. South-western Europe (1800-1914) Series: The History of Christian-Muslim Relations, Volume: 49 Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History, Volume Editors: David Thomas and John A. Chesworth.…
New Publication “European Muslims and the Qur’an”
European Muslims and the Qur’an Practices of Translation, Interpretation, and Commodification Edited by: Gulnaz Sibgatullina and Gerard Wiegers With the contributions of Maxime Sellin and Adrián Rodríguez Iglesias, PhD students…