Amanda Rio de Pedro Page 14
Recent posts
Author: Amanda Rio de Pedro
4th session of Practices of Commentary’s reading group Orality and Written Textuality.
The 4th meeting will be on Friday January 26th, 2024, from 10:30a.m. to 11:45 a.m. (Eastern time). The Practices of Commentary reading group brings humanities researchers of different backgrounds together…
Nouvelle parution : Guillaume POSTEL Le Livre de la concorde entre le Coran et les Évangélistes
Édité et traduit par Tristan VIGLIANO C’est avec plaisir que nous annonçons la parution du dernier travail de Tristan Vigliano, une édition traduite et annotée du Livre de la concorde…
Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān – New publication
The Encylopaedia of Qur’an on line has just published the 2023 supplement in which several articles from the EuQu team appear (G.Wiegers, D. Scoto, F. Estella , U. Cecini, Octavian …
Dissertation ‘El Corán abreviado entre mudéjares y moriscos: Tipología textual y estudio contrastivo’
We are very happy to announce that on 15/02/2024 Adrián Rodríguez Iglesias defended his PhD thesis in the Universiry of Amsterdam titled ‘El Corán abreviado entre mudéjares y moriscos: Tipología…